15th Annual Redhawk Run-A-Thon
Please Donate to Our Biggest Fundraiser of the Year!
Friday, September 27, 2024
The PTA is excited about the new school year, and we would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for your continued support!
Please take a moment to donate to the PTA’s biggest fundraiser of the year, the 15th Annual Redhawk Run-A-Thon, which will be held on Friday, September 27, 2024. It only takes a few minutes of your time, but your donation provides so much throughout the year.
To donate, please click the button below to visit our web store.

Support the Running Springs PTA in bringing essential programs and resources to our children:
• Bike Rodeo
• December Crafts
• Family Fun Night
• Know Your States Testing and Awards for All Grade Levels
• PTA Honorary Service Award
• All PTA Assemblies for Every Grade Level
• Red Ribbon Week
• Reflections
• Talent Show
• Annual Teacher Appreciation Luncheon for the Staff
• Valentine Family Game Night
• Physical Education Teacher Weekly for Every Class
• Technology Specialist
Thanks to your generosity, we've funded the following in recent years:
• New Playground Benches
• Janitorial Equipment
• 5 Classroom Set of Chrome Books and Carts
• Robots for Robotics Club
• New Laminator for the School Office
• Assist in Funding Club Redhawk
• Playground Balls
• Student Incentive Prizes
• A Podium for MPR
• RAZZ Kids
• Rudy the Redhawk Mascot Costume
• Painting of Distinguished School Emblem on MPR
• Assist in Funding Technology Specialist
• Majority Contributor for School’s New Marquee
Thank you for your support! Together we can make a difference!

Kathleen W.
2nd VP of Ways and Means
Running Springs Academy PTA

To Whom It May Concern:
On behalf of the Running Springs Academy PTA, I’d like to invite you to join our 15th Annual Run-A-Thon as an event sponsor. The Run-A-Thon is our biggest fundraiser of the year and raises money so that we can provide every child with enrichment programs such as curriculum-based assemblies, music appreciation & Physical Education. Running Springs Academy students will collect pledges from friends and family members before running with their classmates at the Run-A-Thon on Friday, September 27th, 2024. Our goal this year is to raise $47,000 through individual donations and business sponsorships.
The Run-A-Thon provides an opportunity to promote your company, engage with the local community, and support the teachers and students of Running Springs Academy. Please consider participating as a community sponsor in one of the following ways.
Platinum Donation - $1,000
Company or family name will be placed on our 15th annual Run-A-Thon t-shirts worn by all Running Springs students and staff, featured on our website for the 2024-2025 school year and featured on the donor yard sign that will be displayed in front of school. As a Platinum sponsor, you'll also receive a prominent banner displayed at the school and an extra Run-A-Thon shirt for you or a loved one.
Gold Donation - $500
Company or family name will be placed on our 15th annual Run-A-Thon t-shirts worn by all Running Springs students and staff, featured on our website for the 2024-2025 school year and featured on the donor yard sign that will be displayed in front of school.
Silver Donation - $250
Company or family name will be placed on our 15th annual Run-A-Thon t-shirts worn by all Running Springs students and staff and featured on the donor banner that will be displayed at school.
Bronze Donation - $100
Company or family name will be placed on our 15th annual Run-A-Thon t-shirts worn by all Running Springs students and staff.
We are also seeking donations in the form of:
- Products/services to be used on the day or the event and
- Prizes for students who meet specific fundraising goals.
If you are able to contribute, please make your check payable to “Running Springs PTA” and write “Run-A-Thon” in the memo line. Checks can be mailed to Running Springs Academy or hand delivered to a PTA executive committee member. If you’d like to have your logo on the shirts instead, please email it no later than September 10th to runningspringsrunathon@gmail.com.
The deadline to sponsor this year’s event and be listed on event shirts is September 10th, 2024.
Thank you for your consideration!

Kathleen W.
2nd VP of Ways and Means
Running Springs Academy PTA
Sponsorship Levels
Sponsorship Levels

🏃🏻♀️➡️ If you have any questions about the Run-A-Thon, feel free to reach out to us: