Health Info/Forms
Parent/Student Handbook
How do I report an absence?
You may leave a message anytime on the attendance hotline (714) 281-5903, or call (714) 281-4512 during normal business hours.
Do you have after school care on campus?
Running Springs has on site care provided by Orange Unified School District Child Development Services' CARES program both before & after school from 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
For further information on the CARES program visit their website or call (714) 628-5412. Our CARES site lead, Matt Izze can be reached at (714) 628-5392 or mizzi@orangeusd.org.
What's for lunch today?
You can find the menus for each month at Nutrition Services Menus.
My child forgot their lunch. (Grades 1-6)
If your child forgets their lunch, you may bring it to the office and place it in the late lunch box by the front door. Please write your child's name on one of the late lunch labels and affix it to your child's lunchbox. Late lunches are picked up at 11:00 AM, so please have your child's lunch in the late lunch box prior to that time. We will not be calling classrooms and interrupting class learning time.
How does my student access online programs from home?
From the OUSD website homepage, click the myOUSD Dashboard button and login with the same credentials you use at school. From here your student can access the online programs they use while at school.

Centers for Afterschool, Recreation, Enrichment, and Safety Expanded Learning Programs
CARES provides a safe, expanded learning environment that supports and supplements the school day, develops students' social-emotional skills, and enriches their opportunity to absorb the world around them.
Running Springs Elementary School
8670 Running Springs Dr., Anaheim, CA 92808
CARES Location:
CARES Hours:
CARES Phone:
(714) 628-5392
Site Lead:
Matt Izzi

International Baccalaureate (IB)
Running Springs is an International Baccalaureate (IB) World School offering the Primary Years Programme (PYP)!
The PYP is not a curriculum but is an approach to teaching and learning that emphasizes inquiry-based learning, collaboration, international-mindedness and student voice and choice. The PYP strives to help students develop the knowledge, understandings, skills and attitudes needed to be lifelong learners who know that they can make a positive difference in the world.
There are no tests to gain admission and no IQ or other requirements to participate in the programme. The PYP is accessible to all Running Springs students.
Brandi Gower,
IB PYP Coordinator

Running Springs Academy is proud to offer instruction in the arts through our Elementary Visual and Performing Arts Program (VAPA). Students in 4th through 6th grades receive two sessions of instruction each week for 45 minutes in instrumental music or the 21st Century Integrated Arts Wheel. Students taking an instrument course learn to play a band or orchestra instrument over the course of a full year. Students in the Integrated Arts Wheel receive instruction in two arts disciplines over the course of the year – visual art and vocal music (choir).

Introducing Stopfinder, a FREE app for parents and guardians.
Stay informed with real-time updates on your child(ren)’s bus pick-up/drop-off times and locations. Receive customized proximity alerts and estimated time of arrival (ETA) notifications–all at your fingertips.
Orange Unified is proud to be the FIRST district in Orange County offering this incredible service to our parents.
Don’t miss out—make your commute easier and stress-free this coming school year.
Bus Pass Information

OUSD 1:1 Device FAQ
iPads: Grades TK - 2nd
Students in grades TK-2 are issued iPads for school use and applications are installed for their use. Each teacher determines whether iPads will kept at school or whether iPads can be taken home.
Laptops: Grades 3 - 6
Each student in grades 3-6 is issued a laptop. These are Windows 10 devices. Student log in with their OUSD username and password. All applications used at school are accessible through the myOUSD Dashboard found at www.orangeusd.org.
If your child has an issue with their iPad or laptop, please let your teacher know as soon as possible.
Devices are checked out to students and students are responsible for its care and keeping it safe and in working condition. Broken screens, missing keys, etc. may result in a fine to repair or replace the device. Insurance coverage is an option for families. More information regarding insurance through a 3rd party can be found on the OUSD Educational Technology page under "Insurance/1:1 Devices" along with other parent resources.

Orange USD Gate Screening and Testing 2024 Information • Spanish Flyer
3rd Grade Opt Out (Eng and Spanish)
OUSD Elementary GATE Screening and Placement Procedures
Would you like to learn more about our Gifted Education screening process and elementary GATE programs?
English Presentation • Presentación en español
Fall Parent Information Sessions

Should you have any questions or need assistance with the online process, please do not hesitate to contact the Running Springs Academy at (714) 281-4512.
Before proceeding, please make sure you have confirmed that Running Springs Academy is your school of residence using our school locator link. If we are not your school of residence, you may apply for a spot at Running Springs via the OUSD Open Enrollment process.
OUSD School Locator

🦅 If you have any questions about the resources, feel free to reach out to us: