School Drop-Off & Pick-Up Procedures
The parking lot is a busy place before and after school. For the safety of all students, please review the arrival and dismissal procedures below, exercise patience, and be excellent role models for our students in how we treat one another. If we all work together, getting to and from school will be a SAFE, smooth process. Please see the diagram for traffic flow and gate numbers.
TK and Kindergarten:
- Arrival - Gate opens at 7:40, school begins at 7:50: Parents walk their children to gate #1. If you drive your child to school, you must park your car on the street or in a spot in the parking lot and walk your child to the gate. DO NOT leave your car in the drop off lane. Students enter the quad and join their class line. Older siblings may not enter through this gate. If you drive your child to school, you must park your car on the street or in a spot in the parking lot and walk your child to the gate. DO NOT leave your car in the drop off lane.
- Dismissal is at 2:00 (12:05 on Wednesday): Parents must park in a parking spot or on the street and walk to the gate to pick up their child. Students will be dismissed from gate 1 or gate 2 (this is communicated to you from your child's teacher) Do not leave your car unattended in the drop off/pick up lane. Doing so blocks traffic for grades 1 - 3.
1st - 3rd Grade:
- Arrival - Gate opens at 7:45, school begins at 7:55: Cars enter the lower grade parking lot at the intersection of Running Springs Drive and Banner Ridge. Students exit the vehicle and walk across the yellow, striped unloading zone to the sidewalk. Students enter through gate #3 near the MPR.
- Dismissal is at 2:00 (12:10 on Wednesdays): 1st grade students are dismissed at gate #2. 2nd & 3rd grade students are dismissed at gate 3. Students wait on the sidewalk if they are waiting for an adult to walk with them or until their car arrives. When the car is fully stopped, students walk across the yellow, striped loading area and enter the car. If you are also picking up an upper grade sibling, please exit the lower parking lot after you pick up your primary aged child and enter the upper lot to pick up your older student. Younger students are not to walk to the upper grade gate as it is not supervised at primary dismissal.
4th - 6th Grade:
- Arrival - Gate opens at 7:35, school starts at 7:45: Cars enter the upper grade lot at the intersection of Running Springs Drive and Cloudview Way. Pull forward along the curb as far as possible. Students exit the car and enter through gate #4. This is the large chain link gate near the outdoor stage/amphitheater. Students join their class line.
- Dismissal is at 2:10 (Wednesdays 12:15): Students are dismissed at gate #5. Students wait on the sidewalk until their car arrives. When the car is fully stopped, students may enter their vehicle.
For students that are dropped off/picked up by car:
- When using the drop off/pick up lane, please stay in your vehicle. Do not park and leave your car unattended in the loading/unloading lane. You may park in unmarked stalls in the parking lots if you will be leaving your vehicle.
- Do not park in spots designated for those with a Disabled Parking Placard or Plate. Not only is it illegal and can come with a steep fine and/or court appearance, but we have multiple people on campus, including families of disabled students, who need to use these parking spots.
- Pull as far forward as possible before your child walks through the yellow zone to exit/enter your car. This allows us to get as many cars into the lot as possible.
- Use designated crosswalks to get to cars in the parking lot. Do not signal to your child to cross between cars to join you in the parking lot. Please be safe!
- If your child does not come out to the gate as expected, please circle around and rejoin the end of the pick-up line or park in a designated spot and walk to the gate. This will keep traffic moving through the lot. A staff member or the office will be happy to help you locate your child.
- Be safe and cautious on the streets around Running Springs at all times, especially during times in which students are going to and from school.
Please be considerate of our neighbors when parking on the streets around Running Springs by refraining from blocking driveways, moving garbage cans, etc. If you see a safety concern or recurring traffic issue on the streets around our school, do let us know, but please also contact the Anaheim Police Department to voice your community concern.
Thank you for your cooperation in making the drop-off and pick-up process smooth and efficient!
School Drop-Off & Pick-Up Procedures
School Drop-Off & Pick-Up Procedures

🚘 If you have any questions about the campus traffic map, feel free to reach out to us: