RSA is Thankful for our Teachers & Staff
Let’s show our teachers and staff how much we appreciate them! Here’s how you can help:
- 🥨 Monday, November 18: Fill the staff lounge with grab-and-go snacks and treats!
- 🌮 Tuesday, November 19: Treat them to a Nacho Bar!
- 🍰 Wednesday, November 20: Delight them with a Dessert Bar!
If you'd like to contribute but don’t have time to shop, you can send donations via Venmo to @terrihaikalis (last four digits: 6645), and Terri will take care of the rest.
Please check the sign-up slots on the volunteer link and drop off your donations at the front office during AM drop-off on your assigned day.
Feel free to reach out to Terri with any questions. Thank you for helping us show our gratitude!
Sign-up Genius

🦃 If you have any questions about RSA is Thankful for our Teachers & Staff, feel free to reach out to us: